Friday, July 15, 2011

Poor Widdle Palestinians

After the Gaza 'Floptilla', Hamas boosters decided instead to organise a 'Flytilla' and converge on Ben-Gurion airport, hoping to humiliate the Israelis. The result? They got knocked back at the arrivals hall. Failtilla! A waste of a flight ticket. Idiots.

As a modern democracy, Israel doesn't require (waives) entry Visas for citizens from a lot of democratic countries. Can you imagine how far these Useful Idiots would get if they turned up to the Chinese Consulate seeking an entry visa in order to help with Falun Gong protests? Perhaps a visa to Saudi Arabia to promote Christianity? North Korea to do your famous Kim Jong Il impersonation?

Oh, wait, those examples don't count. We're not talking about those lightweight human rights abusers. We're discussing Israel, the world's most eeeevil insidious lair of umm... Evil.

How dare they deport peaceful anti-Israel peacemakers of peace . Fascists! Accordingly, this letters appears in The Australian:
Is this what democracy looks like? Sylvia Hale and Vivienne Porzsolt fly to Israel for the purpose of raising awareness of the plight of Palestinian people and are promptly arrested and threatened with deportation.

At the time of writing, the Australian government has not made any statement supporting the right of its citizens to speak freely about human rights issues in Israel without fear of retribution.

What sort of message does this send to non-citizens in Australia who criticise the government's appalling record on indigenous peoples and refugees?

Judith Wright, Marrickville, NSW
Judith Wright is shocked. Shocked! "Is this what democracy looks like?", she asks, because Israel has chosen to deport two airport arrivals, who freely indicated they were there to undermine the State of Israel.

Anyone who watches Border Security knows our officials routinely deport arriving passengers who are guilty of far less than supporting an enemy sworn on the country's destruction. See the Hamas Charter and ask whether you'd have these guys round to your place.

If the Greens MP Sylvia Hale genuinely wanted to visit the Palestinians, she could have easily entered Gaza via Egypt. But that was never going to happen as this was never about the Palestinians and was instead a pathetic PR stunt aimed at demonising Israel.

Wright continues to moan: "Australian government has not made any statement supporting the right of its citizens to speak freely about human rights issues in Israel without fear of retribution."

Probably because they don't need to. On the other hand, these rebels without a clue should try wandering through Gaza shouting "Hey hey, ho ho, Hamas terrorists gotta go" and see what happens.

As for democracy? The very same week pro-democracy protesters were being shot dead all over the Middle East, (except in Israel of course), Yet all we're hearing from local 'pro democracy' advocates are complaints about poor Sylvia Hale getting politely told to go away.

Could the anti-Israel mob be any more precious?

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Blogger Minicapt said...

Need more floggings of recalcitrant citizens, and the aliens they support. Make it a reality TV show to cover the expenses.


11:36 AM  
Anonymous aycee said...

Did they realise that if they'd had their passport stamped by the Israelis on entry, they'd never get into any other arab country.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Chistery said...

What sort of message does this send to non-citizens in Australia who criticise the government's...

Non-citizens have no right to bitch and moan about the government of the country they are guests in.

Citizens and their government should not give a rats arse about the perceived messages leftards think non-citizens are being sent.

2:34 PM  

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