Monday, December 10, 2012

I wonder if the Tooth Fairy celebrates Earth Hour?

For the benefit of its few remaining readers, The Melbourne Age printed this letter today:
ANYONE who believes Israel is serious about achieving a just outcome with the Palestinians must also believe in the tooth fairy.

Raelee Hunter, Keilor Downs

Presumably the as-submitted version ended with "nyah nyah" which was cut for brevity.

If that argument represents the sort of rubbish which gets published by The Age, you've got to wonder what sort of dreck wasn't considered worthy...

As for whether Israel is serious? Let's take a look at last week's Palestinian TV.

What brother Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] is doing is living proof of the independence of our decision making and our will. This is the sacred message borne by the greatest Palestinian since Jesus – Yasser Arafat. It runs in the genes of all the Palestinians. We are all Arafatists, and we are loyal to your blood, oh Abu Ammar, whose death we commemorate this month: We shall only return our swords to their sheaths when the [Palestinian] state is established, your hopes are realized, and the refugees return.
Nice people. Let's give them a state!

Ironically, The Age itself quoted Hamas leader Khaled Meshal saying

"Today is Gaza. Tomorrow will be Ramallah and after that Jerusalem, then Haifa and Jaffa."
But go on, Age, and keep reminding us that Israel is the problem.


Anonymous Jill said...

Did you see Micky Loonig's little effort in The DamAGE today - Tuesday?

nauseating smug and so very delusional...

4:23 PM  

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