Thursday, May 12, 2005

The film US TV networks dare not show, or so says the Guardian

Adam Curtis is taking his three hour BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares – recut as a feature film – on the causes and consequences of 9/11 to Cannes. Curtis does not like to be seen as the Michael Moore of the moment:
Curtis does not care for the Moore parallel. "Moore is a political agitprop film-maker. I am not - you'd be hard pushed to tell my politics from watching it. It was an attempt at historical explanation for September 11. You see, up to this point nobody had done a proper history of the ideas and groups that have created our modern world. It's weird that nobody had done before me."
Hell, I can pick his politics by his penultimate documentary series: The Century of the Self [about the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the US]. Could he be a lefty?

Interestingly, the title of the film has been considerably shortened from its original: The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear. Curtis obviously didn't want the Cannes audience to jump to any conclusions about his politics before watching the film.


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