Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Al Gore has taken the Inconvenient Truth dog and pony show to Europe, where his doom mongering and bad-mouthing of the US is favourably received:
In line with the scientific research highlighted in his movie, Mr Gore suggested the world is currently going through a "full-scale planetary emergency."

"Our planet has a fever. And the fever has been going steadily higher and it's not going away," he added.

"I understand your frustration over the fact that the US had taken the wrong path," on this subject he said, referring to the current Republican administration's opposition to the Kyoto treaty as the country's "moral lapse."
The morally superior locals couldn't resist having a dig at the US and Bush:
EU environment commissioner Stavros Dimas, also present at the event co-organised by the Brussels-based think tank the Lisbon Council, noted that the world needed "the full involvement" of the most powerful country.

"A crucial next step will be for the United States to realise that it is in their own interest to lead the fight against climate change," he said, adding that he wished Europeans could vote in the US presidential elections to influence the country's policies that affect the globe.

The Brussels-based audience gave a loud cheer to Mr Dimas' comment referring back to the 2000 presidential elections when Mr Gore, under the Democrat administration of Bill Clinton, lost to his Republican competitor, the current president George W. Bush.
Funny, I'll bet this emissions' graphic didn't make it into the presentation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chinese people wish they could vote in China, too.

5:57 AM  

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