Tuesday, January 02, 2007


We've all heard it a million times, if women ran the world... there would be no more war, or it would be more peaceful or something similar. The truth is, if women ran the world they wouldn't be in charge for long; they'd massacre one another and men would have to take charge to make peace. Take offices managed by women for example:
Women bosses are significantly more likely than men to discriminate against female employees, research has suggested.

The study found that when presented with applications for promotion, women were more likely than men to assess the female candidate as less qualified than the male one.

They were also prone to mark down women’s prospects for promotion and to assess them as more controlling than men in their management style.

Nicola Horlick, the City financier nicknamed “Superwoman” for combining a demanding job with a large family, said some women looked on other women as a threat and preferred to surround themselves with men.

“It is called the ‘queen bee syndrome’,” she said. “I have seen women in managerial positions discriminating against other women, possibly because they like to be the only female manager or woman in the workplace.”

Recent cases that have illustrated this problem include that of Helen Green, 36, a Deutsche Bank employee from London. In August she was awarded nearly £800,000 in damages after two years of bullying by four female colleagues that eventually led to a nervous breakdown.
The researchers put this down to role stereotyping. Bullshit. Women have trouble getting along with other women. Put them in charge of the world's government and there'd be a very nasty battle for supremacy. That fabled button we've all heard so much about would finally be pushed.


Anonymous Gadget said...

Love the title of this one.

I agree with the "kaboom" theory.
I could get all down and dirty about an estrogen fuelled WMD (wimins menstrual destruction) day of doom. But perhaps next time.

A freind of mine, who might be described as an alchemist, reckons that if a group of women all hang out together for long enough, they all start having their matters at the same time.

So we wouldnt want a zealous Feminist in charge of world affairs on Day 29 now would we?

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zoe, your comment made me laugh. My husband grew up with two younger brothers. When we were first dating, on one occasion we were playfighting (well, he was trying to tickle me and I was trying to avoid being tickled). Of course, because he had greater strength, he was winning. Then I bit him. "Hey, that's not fair!" he said. "Welcome to fighting with a girl," I replied.

I agree with you, the best diplomatic team would be made up of both men and women. Different strengths, different weaknesses.

6:31 PM  

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