Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good news and bad for New Yorkers

The good news: commie bookstore Revolution Books this coming Sunday will hold a free brunch. With the good comes the bad: food-seekers must submit to an IQ-lowering presentation by Antony Loewenstein. Go along New Yorkers to have your tummy filled and your head emptied.


Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

Who's paying his way? On a per published-word basis, Loewenstein could barely afford the cab ride to the airport.

Perhaps he put an ad in the Iranian or Hamas newspapers, saying "easily manipulated Jew* who hates Israel for hire"?

*Not actually remotely Jewish in any real sense.

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

Also, I just checked the link. It's not free. A donation is requested. The brunch would have to be pretty spesh to compensate for the entertainment...

6:29 PM  

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