Monday, July 12, 2010

Irony undetected

Antony Loewenstein today links to the story of a young Jew who bogusly claimed anti-semites were tormenting her by drawing swastikas on her university dorm-room door:

How some Jews trivialise anti-Semitism and use it for political gain...

But Loewenstein apparently fails to see the irony in his own trivialisation of anti-semitism today writing:

I recently posted an image that was inappropriate and ill-advised and was not intended to cause offense by making comparisons between Israel and Nazism.

However, it expressed the sort of extreme views that are widely shared and growing worldwide but on reflection I realise that they should be not be given further oxygen and publicity.

Loewenstein does not link to the now gone post and image which he originally said "certainly speaks for itself. Yes, yes it does.


Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

What a pathetic excuse for an apology.

I'm sorry, but....

It's even worse than the "fake but accurate" excuse.

The fact is there are huge numbers of antisemites, Arabs (or both) who believe all manner of bullshit about Jewish people. The mere fact a lot of people believe it does not however somehow legitimise it.

Sadly, Loewenstein is too stupid to realise that popular doesn't always mean right.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the guy is a narcissistic retard - how any media org or academic institution could ever quote/use him shows we currently live in a mad bad crazy world that needs some moral antibiotics

lowenstein - just like e. coli on a cheesecake but not as useful

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Faygale said...

I wonder how Loewensteins mates the great Asylum seeker godfathers Burnside and Richter will react considering they told the Age writers festival audience at Antony's anti -Israel book launch their mate Antony was a better friend of Israel than Australia's Jewish community leaders. [ al'Loewesnetin brags about this on his web site]

I guess with friends and friends of friends like these Israelis can do with out !

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

On Loewenstein's (non) apology post, he has closed comments.

Admittedly it's only a cosmetic adjustment as he routinely deletes any censors any dissent at his blog. However it's hilarious when viewed in light of his constant bleating about the need for "more discussion" and "open debate". As long as you agree with Antony...

He's such a loser.

8:42 PM  
Anonymous MMLJ said...

Mr Beck,

I saw this line at a post on Pajamas Media and thought it relevant in terms of the world view of your bete noir Tony L:

"one of the mysterious factors in this madness is the role played by Jewish anti-Zionists, who, in Julius’ memorable phrase, are “proud to be ashamed to be Jewish.”

A brilliant summation in the last seven words.

In Australia - our permanently outraged public intellectuals can of course substitute their 'shame of the day' for the word 'Jewish' - and carry on as usual.

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

Actually, not being content with merely being a self-hating Jew, Antony is now a self-hating human since he wrote (sarcastically) "This makes me proud to be a human being."

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

Link for the above anti-human quote was

2:37 PM  

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