Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Holocaust 2011

Genocidal gassing begins with the tear gas induced death of a single protester:
How Israel gasses Palestinian protestors and sometimes kills them. No historical irony here at all.
No prizes for guessing the author of that idiocy.


Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

Wow. Just wow.

The ACLU of Southern California identified 26 deaths among people who were pepper-sprayed by police officers over a 2 year period. That is, about 1 in 600 suspects sprayed, died.

Israel's doing a lot better...

I look forward to Loewenstein detailing how the SoCal police are the real Nazis.

The amazing thing is, he will happily say that Jews are Nazis. And yet he'll spare Islamists who have openly called for the murder of another 6 Million Jews, the same description.

He's beyond a self-hating Jew and well into the realm of total delusion.

It's just appalling and he has form. Yet Fairfax and the ABC will still use him.

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Adrian of Adelaide said...

I've just started reading your blog Beck and have been wondering why this Lowenstein guy figures so prominently. After listening to his interview with Helen Caldicott and now this latest nonsense I'm starting to get the picture.

This Tweet is particularly disgusting and he ought to be ashamed of himself. How can he possibly draw any connection between thousands of people being herded into gas chambers for deliberate extermination and a protester having a bad reaction to tear gas? The protestor didn’t have to be there; the tear gas is non-lethal and was never intended to kill. These are just the most obvious points and I could on.

I don’t see any ‘irony’ at all in this situation – just the usual pig-headed contraryism of the typical Leftist. It boggles the mind how anyone could come up with this interpretation – is there something mentally wrong with people like Lowenstein?

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Ferrero Roche said...

There is now substantial doubt about whether the woman died of tear gas inhalation or whether she even attended the protest at Israel's security barrier at all. The Israeli media is all over this one and most of the information comes from medical reports issued by the previously reluctant Palestine Authority.

Loewenstein became a laughing stock long before this but he's outdone himself this time. Apart from the fact that on matters Israel his ignorance is encyclopedic, he's an insensitive, hateful little twat.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

Adrian of Adelaide, the bigger problem is that he is taken quite seriously by Fairfax and "Our ABC" who regard him as a 'good Jew' capable of fitting in with their perspective.

Never mind that there's virtually nothing Jewish about him whatsoever and he only uses his Jewishness for publicity and book sales. I could convert to Islam in five seconds by reciting the 'Shahada' and could then run around writing articles "As a Muslim". I'd have about as much credibility (although I probably know more about Islam than Loewenstein does Judaism).

Adrian of Adelaide - you ask "is there something mentally wrong with people like Loewenstein"? The answer unequivocally is yes. He's reading this by the way, and will never, EVER admit that he's wrong (you'll never even see a correction on his blog. He just 'disappears' errors). In his mind, he's the only enlightened one.

Luckily for him, Jews don't issue Fatwas, so he can piss off as many people as he wants, knowing that it's all just PR for himself.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

As far as Loewenstein is concerned, Israelis are Nazis. Whereas, those who actually do kill Jews, and would like nothing more than to see another Six Million driven into the see, get off scot free.

In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (remember, Fairfax adore him) he referred to "the supposedly devilish plans of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or al-Qaeda. "

It's unclear whether he's blind and deaf, dishonest or just stupid. I suspect all three.

Interestingly, in that same article he repeated his lie about "Jewish only roads". A lie which was exposed and which demonstrates his inability to admit he's wrong.

Check out how he reacts like a fifth grader playing "I know you are, but what am I?".

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

As far as Loewenstein is concerned, Israelis are Nazis. Whereas, those who actually do kill Jews, and would like nothing more than to see another Six Million driven into the see, get off scot free.

In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (remember, Fairfax adore him) he referred to "the supposedly devilish plans of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or al-Qaeda. "

It's unclear whether he's blind and deaf, dishonest or just stupid. I suspect all three.

Interestingly, in that same article he repeated his lie about "Jewish only roads". A lie which was exposed and which demonstrates his inability to admit he's wrong.

Check out how he reacts like a fifth grader playing "I know you are, but what am I?".

6:18 PM  
Anonymous primo levi said...

There is an historical irony despite what this miserable wretch says. That is, during the Shoach to which he alludes, there were some despicable Jews who betrayed their fellows to the Nazis with deceit - usually it was to obtain a morsel of food. Rarely was it because they supported the views of their oppressors.

But Loewenstein has been taking this deception to a whole new level for some time now with his support and his apologetics for Hamas and Ahmedinejad but he's topped even himself this time for sheer bastardry.

The fools who signed on to his IAJV petition can now sit back and savour what he's doing in their name.

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Dan Lewis said...

Primo Levi, like the fool who feeds the crocodile hoping he will be eaten last, the real 'irony' is that the Jew-murdering Islamists who Loewenstein supports, would happily saw his head off too.

There is a long history of Useful Jews who would sell their own people up the river for a bit of personal advancement.

In Loewenstein's case, it seems he would support antisemites and murderers to prop up an otherwise completely worthless writing career.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of "The Jewish Question", for a laugh have a read of the PPBoyz post where they're trying to keep themselves amused & outraged (same thing for them, really) while Bolt's more or less on holiday (and not accepting comments, so no moby sockpuppeting fun to be had).

The "Whooooo's a Jooooo" hilarity starts here and continues on down:

5:39 PM  

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