Friday, May 13, 2005

World War II revisionism corrected

Victor Davis Hanson on current attempts to rewrite World War II's history:
Western elites — the beneficiaries of 60 years of peace and prosperity achieved by the sacrifices to defeat fascism and Communism — are unhappy in their late middle age, and show little gratitude for, or any idea about, what gave them such latitude. If they cannot find perfection in history, they see no good at all. So leisured American academics tell us that Iwo Jima was unnecessary, if not a racist campaign, that Hiroshima had little military value but instead was a strategic ploy to impress Stalin, and that the GI was racist, undisciplined, and reliant only on money and material largess.
Do yourself a favour, read the whole thing.


Anonymous The_Real_JeffS said...

A good read, JF. Thanks for the link!

6:39 PM  

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