Friday, May 13, 2005

Bonk buddy where are you

Jeez, I never seem to meet women like this:
JENNY BROCKIE: What is a bonk buddy? Just explain for the benefit of our viewers, what is a bonk buddy?

PHIL DYE: Someone you just have sex with, and that's it. It's a friend you have sex with. You don't necessarily go out with them. You're not seen at parties with them. It's there to satisfy the sexual need. Now, 20 years ago that might have been on men's mind but now it would seem that women are far more the sexual predators, if that's a term that I can use, that it's... The bonk buddy is something that's actually being introduced more by women. Certainly there have been... There's been several men have said that in my research. I interviewed this man and he said he went out with this woman, first night and they end up bonking on the first night and, you know, it was all great and he thought she was pretty good and the next morning he got an SMS message with the words, "When can we bonk again?" Not thanks for the night out, thanks for the, you know, I really enjoyed your company.
Maybe it has something to do with being an opinionated old fart who doesn't get out enough.


Anonymous Andrea said...

The original terms were "kept woman," "mistress," or "concubine." Though in actuality those words give the act a prestige that it doesn't deserve; "bonk buddy" (or the more common term, "fuck buddy") works much better. (And concubines at least had some semi-official status, as did their children.)

7:09 PM  
Anonymous J F Beck said...

Call it anything you want, I'm still missing out.

9:50 PM  

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