Friday, February 24, 2006


Elite lefty academic Tim Dunlop doesn't like the controversial new Tourism Australia TV ad meant to lure tourists to Australia:
The campaign is stupid not because it is offensive but because many people overseas won't understand it.
Dunlop's worried that the question, "So where the bloody hell are you?", at the end of the ad will so confound dumb foreigners that the Australians-are-friendly message and stunning visuals of the ad will both be lost, submerged in a sea of confusion. This is, of course, typical of the attitude of lefty elitists, especially when it comes to dumb Americans. (Incidentally, if foreigners are confused by the "bloody" bit in the TV ad, what are they going to make of this blurb on the online version? "WE'VE SWITCHED ON THE LIGHTS. TURNED UP THE VERDI. AND THE CHAMPAGNE'S ON BOARD." What the hell's a Verdi?)

Dunlop is also unhappy with Howard for daring to respond frankly to a silly question concerning the ad:
Asked if he was worried that the ads stereotyped Australians, Mr Howard disagreed, saying the purpose of the campaign was to attract people to Australia by reinforcing its attributes such as beaches and open hospitality.

"I think the idea that you shouldn't do that because of the stereotype is, with respect, a fairly elitist view," he said.
Ironically, Dunlop the elitist lefty elite, obviously unaware that an elite need not be elitist, then accuses Howard of being a dreaded elitist:
That goes close to being the dumbest thing he has ever said, a completely knee-jerk uttering of his favourite unsubstantiated smear. Can someone please ask him in what way that question was elitist.

And can someone then remind Mr Howard that when you are the prime minister who lives in a tax-payer funded mansion on the most expensive real estate in the country, support a stupid, inbred monarchy, and feel the urge to cough up tax dollars on a memorial service at the Opera House for the richest, deadest bloke in Australia you don't get to call other people elitist.
Maybe his dictionary broke.

Anyway, in my opinion, the ad's bloody damn good. Oh yeah, and Dunlop's just another hate filled, impotent lefty.

Update: Kim Beazley deems the ad offensive, to foreigners:
"It works in Australia when you get up and say "drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot", because we Australians have sort of integrated that expression."

But Mr Beazley's told 3BA that the people the ads are aimed at overseas are likely to be offended by the phrase.
If they're offended by the phrase they'll be offended by Australians: best they stay home.

Update II: Larvatus prodeo commenter anthony does his bit for Australian tourism:
“Where the bloody hell are you?”

Abducted and about to be done in by one of our many backpacker killers no doubt.
Always the optimists these lefties.

Update III: Anonymous lefty isn't offended by "bloody hell":
No, what bothers me is that the slogan makes us sound like absolute cunting losers.
Like that line makes him a winner.

Update IV: Libidinous lefty Mark Bahnisch provides a concise summary of the ad:
The ad shows a cute chick in a small bikini on a North Queensland beach.
No, this is a small bikini.


Anonymous J F Beck said...

That's probably how I got it.

11:03 PM  
Anonymous OldeForce said...

Yes, some won't like the "Where the bloody hell..." line, but I'm okay with the whole adv. But then I'm just another stupid American - who started reading Brit funny papers (cousin had a pen-pal) at about age 10 - and has seen every Monty P TV show & movie and most Mel Gibson flicks. And will probably be in Australia in Novemeber after our son finishes a semester at Univ of Auckland on that little island to your east.

3:10 AM  
Anonymous CatsGo said...

Dunlop is even dumber than I thought for stupidly criticising a multi-million dollar advertising campaign. These things are tested, trialled, surveyed and run through the wringer to the enty-nth degree. And that's before the budget of a medium-strength African economy is spent on production. If they thought one tenth of one frame of it would not click with targeted audience, it wouldn't be done. Of course, being a lefty, Dunlop is not used to thinking things through -- slatts

2:04 PM  
Anonymous MK said...

Holy nely, that link to the real 'small bikini' must be something, can't even view it, "restricted from viewing".

9:28 AM  

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