Thursday, February 23, 2006


Antony Loewenstein recently posted – without elaboration – this excerpt from a Counterpunch, er... item:
I was startled to hear Prime Minister John Howard of Australia exclaim in a BBC interview last night that he could not understand why pictures of starving Jewish interns of Bergen Belsen, Dachau, and Auschwitz had been aired, yet again, by an Australian TV station a few days ago. “I don’t understand what news value there is any longer in showing more pictures of starving Jews, tortured in these prison camps.” He added that the airing at this time was all the more disturbing that “people involved in abusing the Jewish concentration camp interns had been prosecuted and some had even gone to jail” and wondered who benefited from the re-airing of photos that had shocked the civilized world. Mr. Howard was also shocked, but shocked that the photos had been published “unnecessarily”, not revolted at the humiliating, disgraceful, vile acts that they depicted.
Commenters then engaged in a spirited debate about the authenticity of the Howard quote. The dispute being resolved only when Ant posted this in comments:
People, people.
The BBC reference was a joke, a reference to make a larger point. Satire, in fact.
While the Counterpunch item does contain much that's funny, all unintentionally so, not one of the commenters was willing to wade through the hyperbolic bullshit as far as paragraph six, which explains:
Now I know that none of you were fooled by the artifice that I used in the first paragraph above: substituting the word "Jewish" for "Iraqi."
Not even Ant's regulars can be bothered reading the trash he links to. Now, that's funny.


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