Saturday, March 18, 2006


It's no surprise Guardian staff are smitten with Susan Sarandon but the intro to an interview with her is right over the top:
Who would have thought it? That in Bush's America one of the most successful screen actors in Hollywood today would be a woman nearing 60: "I'll be 60 this fall." A woman of outspoken leftwing sympathies - she used the occasion of presenting the Oscars in 1993 to draw attention to a group of Haitians interned in Cuba, more than a decade before most of the world had heard of a place called Guantánamo Bay.
What, you mean Rove hasn't had her blacklisted or framed for some crime or something? How disappointing.


Anonymous Ira said...

But have you seen her in the last six hours? How do you know that Rove hasn't just begun rounding up liberals? You foolish blind conservative! When will you wake up?

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Pat Patterson said...

Every caring person in the Anglosphere has a copy of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. How dare you criticize Janet?

7:43 AM  
Anonymous MK said...

I'd be surprised if a lefty was not successful in Hollywood, that bastion of free thought and celebrities so in-touch with reality. /sarcasm

5:37 AM  
Anonymous MK said...

Just saw a ad on Yahoo, for Basic Instinct 2, apparently the trailer is too hot for the US, another waste of time from hollywood.

5:55 AM  
Anonymous Blandwagon said...

Who would have thought it? That in Bush's America one of the most successful screen actors in Hollywood today would be a woman nearing 60

Ah, the wondrous success that is Susan Sarandon! So much more popular than Nicole Kidman, Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger, Charlize Theron, Sandra Bullock, Steve Martin, Will Smith, Reece Witherspoon, Will Ferrell, Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman...

I could go on, I guess, but I don't want to wear out my keyboard.

10:06 AM  

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