Tuesday, January 05, 2010

That elusive G-spot

Every man who considers himself a thoughtful and skilled lover will be aware of the G-spot and could well have put considerable time and effort into finding it - time and effort well spent I say. Sorry to disappoint but it looks like your search was in vain:

The elusive erogenous zone said to exist in some women may be a myth, say researchers who have hunted for it.

Their study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine is the biggest yet, involving 1,800 women, and it found no proof.

The King's College London team believe the G-spot may be a figment of women's imagination, encouraged by magazines and sex therapists.

Scientific consensus is lacking, however:

Recently Italian scientists claimed they could locate the G-spot using ultrasound scans.

Do some research of your own and see what you come up with.


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